Tuesday, April 14, 2015

And a warrior's fight is over.

     Today, this world lost another Lupus warrior. A warrior not much older than myself, with a son younger than my own. When something like this happens it always saddens me, depresses me. Makes me question my humanity and just how much longer my body will continue to fight. With the new diagnosis of a pituitary disease (am awaiting an appoinent with an endocrinologist) it makes me wonder how much faster this disease will progress. One never knows when there time is going to be up. I could get killed in a car wreck tomorrow, you just never know. But it is a little disconcerting to constantly be faced with ones own humanity. I feel the need to make more people aware of Lupus and its affects. I get asked all the time, "what is lupus?" We need to make it our goal to get lupus awareness out there just like they did breast cancer awareness! We need to fight for a cure!!! But more importantly we need to fight for our lives! Fight each and every day to get the most out of that day you possibly can!!! Don't give up, don't give in! Lupus robs us of enough of our lives without us just giving it more pieces! Wear those butterflies proudly and say "I am a lupus warrior!"

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