Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Its Another Lupus Kind of Day

     I have had such great feedback from the Lean On Us story that I decided to create a blog. My name is PeggyAbner. I am a photographer, a wife and a mother of two teenage boys. I was diagnosed with Lupus in 2001. In the summer of 2000 they started aggressively running tests on me to find out what was wrong. It took almost a year to get the right diagnosis. It was no ones fault. This disease is extremely hard to diagnose and treat. After all these years I have decided to try to make it count for something. By helping others. So I am here, to listen to answer questions, advise. No one should feel alone in this journey, which is how i have felt for the majority of mine. I do not want someone else to feel this way. So here is my story. Click on the link and you can read it. hope it inspires someone. Til next time.....


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this and congratulations on your new blog, Peggy. It was wonderful to speak with you 'in real life' and to catch up on how you are doing. I hope many appreciate and benefit from you sharing your experiences.

    1. Thank you for reading and sharing my story. I so desperately want to bei g Lupus awareness out like they did breast cancer awareness. I am not sure wxactly how to do it, but maybe if i take wnough baby steps i will succeed! Thank you Sonya for being my own personsal cheerleader!!!

    2. What a great idea/goal, Peggy. I'll have a think about it too and let you know if I come up with anything.

    3. What a great idea/goal, Peggy. I'll have a think about it too and let you know if I come up with anything.
